Meet The Family Business Protecting Australian Homes from Bushfires, One Garage Door at a Time
As the second generation at the helm of the family business and bushfire prone area residents, Steven & Paula Prats believe garage doors are critically overlooked in bushfire preparations.
With the nation facing another intense bushfire season, Australian-owned and operated family business, Cleverseal is stepping up as a leader in bushfire preparedness and encouraging homeowners to the often-overlooked role of garage doors in safeguarding homes.
With deep roots in some of NSW’s most bushfire-prone areas across Sydney’s northwest, Cleverseal know all too well the importance of robust fire protection in semi-rural areas. Now they are using their expertise to draw attention to an often-overlooked aspect of bushfire protection — the garage, as a vulnerable entry point for fire embers.
Now offering the largest range of door seals in Australia, Cleverseal has helped to protect Australian homes from bushfire embers, heat, pests, wind and dust for over 15 years. Leading the charge to make garage sealing a bushfire priority is the second generation of the family, Paula and Steven Prats.
Driven to ensure homeowners are fully equipped to protect their properties, Paula and Steven first experienced the devastating impact of bushfires during the 2001 Black Christmas bushfires in Sydney. Working in insurance claims meant Paula witnessed firsthand the whirlwind of homeowner emotions following the devastation with the fires burning through over 750,000 hectares, destroying 109 homes, and causing damage of more than $70 million.
Having recently built their own home in a bushfire-prone area of the Hills/Hawkesbury region, Paula and Steven now appreciate more than ever the value of reliable sealing solutions for peace of mind during fire season.
“As residents in a bushfire-prone area, we know the importance of protecting our home and families. Flame retardant garage door seals such are are a simple yet effective solution to a serious threat,” said Steven Prats, Operations Manager at Cleverseal.
Both Steven and Paula offer the following important advice to homeowners this bushfire season, highlighting the critical need for garage protection.
"We believe that true bushfire preparedness starts at every entry point, and the garage is one of the most vulnerable," said Steven. "As the largest opening to the home, a garage that is not adequately protected against bushfires can significantly increase the risk of fire spreading to the rest of the house resulting in catastrophic damage to your home.”
Paula, Cleverseal Sales & Marketing Manager continues, “A tight seal on the garage door acts as a barrier to minimise the entry of hot air and smoke, keeping the garage cooler and safe. Well-sealed garage doors also prevent embers and debris from entering the garage door perimeter and potentially igniting stored items or spreading to the rest of the house.”
It was the tragic 2009 Black Saturday bushfires in Victoria, which claimed 173 lives and devastated over 450,000 hectares of land, that brought stronger building protections into the national focus. Since then, the Australian Standards AS 3959 has provided requirements for the design and construction of buildings and structures in bushfire prone areas.
The Cinderseal™ flame retardant garage door seals developed by Cleverseal have been specifically designed to meet the AS3959:2018 standard and address one of the most common causes of house fires during bushfire season — flying embers.
Cleverseal Cinderseal™ is a PA6 Nylon flame retardant material which self-extinguishes when ember contact is made, slowing down the spread of bushfires. Cinderseal™ stands out as the first line of defence against ember attacks, providing a critical solution to help safeguard Australian homes during fire season.
Cleverseal was founded in 2007 by Bruce and Carmen Kuschert, who saw a gap in the market for durable garage door seals. With over 35 years in the garage door industry, Bruce developed a comprehensive range of products that address not only dust and weather issues but also fire risks.
Paula adds, “We’re proud to carry on the legacy started by my parents and ensure that the next generation is equally committed to fire safety in the home.”
About Cleverseal
Cleverseal is Australia’s leading provider of high-quality garage door sealing solutions. Now as a third-generation family-owned and operated business, Cleverseal is committed to delivering innovative products that enhance home safety, particularly in bushfire-prone areas.
Headquartered in the Hills/Hawkesbury region of NSW, Cleverseal offers an extensive range of garage door seals and other innovative sealing solutions for residential and commercial properties.
Cleverseal was first founded in 2007 by Bruce and Carmen Kuschert, who saw a gap in the market for durable garage door seals. Their flagship product, Cinderseal™ was designed to meet Australian standards, offering essential protection against bushfire embers and harsh weather conditions.
For more information on Cleverseal’s sealing solutions, visit
Shannon Muscolino